Katelyn McClain by Sasha Bohn

Get To Know Designer Katelyn McClain

Katelyn McClain by Sasha BohnPhoto by: Sasha Bohn

Katelyn McClain will be a featured designer at FMMF 2015. To get to know her and her design inspirations before the festival, check out her interview below!


Fashion Meets Music Festival: How would you describe your style of design?

Katelyn McClain: I tend to have a boho and romantic feel to my collections, especially lately. My designs are always changing tho, I don’t like to pin hole myself into having a specific style. I like to challenge myself, to push my boundaries and see what different things I can create. The constant in my design process is that I drape everything. I try to make things that women would want to wear. Things that have a bit of edge and intrigue with a lot of details that catch the eye.

FMMF: How has music inspired your designs or design process?

KM: To be honest, music rarely inspires my designs or design process. I mostly find inspiration from books movies and nature. Only recently on my collection for AFW15 did I take the music I heard in a movie as inspiration. I actually bought the cd sound track of it. The first cd I have bought in over 15 years! It was the sound track to the Hobbit. It was wonderful! Beautiful and deep, just epic! I got it to pick out the music for my runway. Well I ended up listening to it while sewing. When I comb through music it’s usually after I have my design process done and my collection set, when I need the music for the runway. I make the clothes first then find the sound that matches them perfectly, that’s when it all really comes together tho. It sets the mood and overall experience I want people to have when they see my clothes.

FMMF: Other than music, where do you get your inspiration from?

KM: What really inspires me is the fabric itself. What I can do with it or what it lets me do with it. The way it lays and fits the body, I’m a sucker for texture, I try to find fabric with texture or I just add my own.

FMMF: What are you looking forward to the most about Fashion Meets Music Festival?

KM: Seeing all the other designers’ work! You get to see apart of who that designer is, it’s very exciting and interesting. I’m always curious to hear what inspired them.

FMMF: What’s one thing about you that people might not know?

KM: I have a freckle that spells love. In bubble letters. Word


FMMF: If you could design a custom piece for any musician, who would you create it for and what would it be?

KM: That’s a hard question. I guess I would choose Lyndsey Sterling. I have used her music before in a few of my shows. I would design something with a lot of fringe for her, she’s always moving and it would be so groovy to see while she’s playing. Or I would like to make a beautiful elf costume for her. Riding pants, a silk top with long flowing sleeves and embroidering on it.  To top it all off a long velvet vest. She would make a lovely elf.


To learn more about Katelyn McClain: Website